Piston Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to the Piston Android application.
Updated on 18th November 2023 with information about account deletion.
Information we collect and why we need it
Crash reports
Crash reports provide details about the code that caused the crash and also about the device, like model or amount of memory - sometimes crashes are specific to a device. We need crash reports to identify issues, measure their impact and fix them.
We use Firebase Crashlytics to collect crash reports.
Firebase Crashlytics retains crash reports and related data for 90 days.
Application performance
There are thousands of different phones and tablets with very different hardware configurations. Performance monitoring allows us to keep the application fast and responsive.
We use Firebase Performance Monitoring to collect performance data.
Performance Monitoring keeps installation and IP-associated events for 30 days and de-identified performance data for 90 days.
Application analytics
Our application collects information about how it is used. For example which feature is used by what percentage of the users. This helps us prioritise the work and focus on functionalities our users value.
We use Google Analytics for Firebase to collect analytics data.
The analytics information is retained for 14 months.
Remote config
Our application uses remote feature toggles to release new features with confidence. This will allow us to release new functionalities to a percentage of users.
We use Firebase Remote Config to manage feature toggles.
Authentication data
The premium version of the application allows users to store the information about the faults they read in remote servers. To make sure users can access only their own data we need to authenticate them.
The email addresses are used only for logging in and communication related to it.
We use Firebase Authentication for authentication. Users can log in using their Google account.
You can always request your account from the Firebase Authentication to be deleted. You can find more information here .
Users’ data stored in remote servers
The premium version of the application to store the information about the faults they read in remote servers. This includes the fault codes and the VIN number. This information is stored only for synchronisation and backup purposes.
User data is stored until it is deleted. This can be done from the History screen.
We use Firebase Firestore to keep users’ data.
All the data is transmitted to the remote servers encrypted. The application uses the Play Integrity API to check application integrity, the licensing status, and the device integrity. This is used in conjunction with Firebase Services.
Unique Identifiers
Firebase services collect some unique identifiers like Firebase Installation UUID. We have opted out from collecting advertising IDs. You can read more about the identifiers Firebase collects and why it needs them here: https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy .
Opt-in and opt-out
We collect the information covered in this Privacy Policy after we get consent form the user. Crash reports, Performance data, Remote config and Analytics opt-in can be done from the Home screen or from the Settings. Users can opt-out at any time from the Settings screen.
Our Partners
Firebase are services made by Google. This is how Google uses the analytics data we share with them https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites . You can read more about Privacy and Security in Firebase here https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy .
Contacting Us
If you have any questions regarding this policy you can contact us via email support@piston.app .